
Issues and gotchas with new POI 3.6 API (XSSF) working with Excel 2007 workbooks

I just started using the new POI 3.6 http://poi.apache.org XSSF which was released in December 2009. The updated API provides support for reading and writing in the OOXML spreadsheet format (.xslx) with Java. So far I've been pretty impressed with the API and haven't really encountered any issues with it. What issues or gotchas have you...

NoClassDefFoundError while using api XSSF

I want to read an xlsx file using api XSSF. For that I downloaded poi-3.6 api and then did set the correct classpath but then too when I run my program I get an Exception as in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/poi/xssf/usermodel/XSSFWorkbook But I can read xls file using HSSF api without any exception. ...

POI 3.6- XSSF API how can I lock specific user edit actions on a given Excel 2007 sheet?

I'm using the POI 3.6-XSSF API to write Excel 2007 documents, and i'm having trouble getting specific user edit actions of a given sheet to lock (i.e. lockDeleteRows). The API says that you need to call enableLocking() on the sheet but when I do that it locks everything and ignores my specific locking settings (example below). When I don...

How to get the last column index reading excel file?

How do i get the index of the last column when reading a xlsx file using the apache-poi API? there's a getLastRowNum method, but i can't find nothing related to the number of columns... thanks in advance EDIT: i'm dealing with XLSX files ...