Today on serverfault I read about XtraDB.
I read that it was a fork of innoDB and was woundering how big are the differences?
Would I notice the change or do you think its just wasted time if I would try it out?
I am looking for good articles on how to install and setup Percona's patched server with XtraDB and master/slave replication setup on Centos 5.2 64 bit.
I believe they can be downloaded at
and is there any good recipes for setting up HA and replication?
question comes up from some behavior i'm seeing.
we're using mysql 5.1.36, xtradb release 6 on an 8 core box. when dropping a database with a lot of tables, mysql takes a long time to check permissions for each table before dropping them. i understand this to be normal behavior, at least with recent versions of mysql. however, when d...