
Problem attaching xVal validator

I'm rendering the following input: <td class="field <%= BookingExternalResource.Metadata.Value.CssClass %>"><%= Html.TextBox(string.Format("BookingExternalResource[{0}].Value", i), row.Value, new { style = "width: 60px;" })%></td> So I've tried attaching a xVal validator like this: <script type="text/javascript"> xVal.AttachValid...

FluentValidation or xVal

Hi Guys I am currently reviewing xVal and FluentValidation. I am looking for the following: Ability to keep entities POCO and would prefer not to use attributes/data annotations - I know FluentValidation can do this but have not seen an example of xVal? Ability for jquery/ajax to called validation on the server - I see xVal does this,...

Does xVal only work with annotations? Can I not keep entities POCO?

I am not keen to use data annotations on my entities, but would like to consider xVal for validation. Can this be done? ...

ajax.beginform and xVal

I am using Ajax.BeginForm to submit a form ans xVal to enforce validation The problem the ajax post request is being made even when the form has errors on it. I know client-side validation is working, because it is displaying proper error messages and what not, but why it thinks it is okay to make the ajax request anyway is something I...

livequery not always live when used with jquery.validate

I use jquerylive plugin to add additional css classes to .field-validation-error class like this: $(".field-validation-error").livequery(function () { $(this).addClass('ui-state-error ui-corner-all'); }); when I get some spans with this class generated by jquery.validate the above code works, but at 2nd validation it doesn't. h...

xval, asp.net mvc - date

I am using xVal for my validation purposes. I have date that uses 3 dropdowns - month, day, year. How would I validate a date like that using xVal? Even if maybe just on serverside? (and then write my own clientside validator?!) Like how I should name these 3 dropdowns... etc... any working example? ...