
Why is YUI Menu waiting for my page images to load!?

Edit: This is a confirmed bug in jQuery 1.3.1. It is fixed in jQuery 1.3.2. I have a YUI menu control exactly like this sample with sub menus along the top. I tried using Yahoo's code to initialize the menu : YAHOO.util.Event.onContentReady("mnuTopNav", function() { var oMenuBar = new YAHOO.widget.MenuBar("mnuTopNav", { ...

YUI MenuBar positioned behind a ASP.NET Silverlight Control

Using the YUI Menubar, when the items drop down they appear behind a ASP.NET Silverlight Control. I am not using YUI layout. I've already tried setting the z-index:99 and the position:relative for in menubar css, as well as setting the div's z-index:-1 and position:relative. Any ideas? ...

Can I make an item in a YUI menu that is NOT a menu item

I have a YUI menu top bar navigation menu based from this example. I'd like to be able to insert items to it that serve as captions and not menu items. For instance I may have a list of products in different categories, and I want a category heading for each. I don't want submenus - I want headings WITHIN the menu. I was hoping it was ...

Whats the correct CSS to apply to a YUI menu bar?

I am trying to figure out the best way to use CSS sprites as header images for a YUI menu control. I have a CSS sprite with the following CSS : .navImg0{width:61px;height:23px;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:top left;background-image:url('/dynamicimage/navigation');background-position:-0px -0px;} .navImg0:hover{width:61...

YUI MenuButton: menu doesn't show when menu widget is added to button widget

Hi, Using YUI, I want to create a menu button, passing in the menu widget instance. Result is what looks like a menu button, but the menu doesn't show. test case: http://sandbox.kluger.com/menu_test.html // key code section: var D = YAHOO.util.Dom, menu = new YAHOO.widget.Menu(D.generateId(), {lazyload: true}); menu....

Yahoo Library Menu Button problem?

I have added the YUI Menu Button component in my page with given values I want to display. These are targeted to both IE7 and Mozilla. When I reload the page in IE, all menu links are showing up with white background, while in Mozilla it works fine. ...

YUI menu with animation

Is it possible to have YUI menus e.g. slide in as opposed to simply popping up? ...

YUI MenuBar not showing submenus

So I'm trying to learn the YUI toolkit, and I'm having issues with my menubar having usable submenus. If I use the following code: <html> <head> <title>Web</title> <!-- Yahoo UI --> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://yui.yahooapis.com/combo?2.8.0r4/build/reset-fonts-grids/reset-fonts-grids.css&amp;2.8.0r4/build/base...

YUI menu, handling "onclick" from markup

Hi all. Would like to know if is it possible to handle onclick event via Html markup. (link text) I know many YUI widgets can use yuiConfig to add configuration properties directly from markup ! (like Treeview) Anybody knows ? ...

YUI Menu rendering below "fold" on first open

I have a YUI menu on the bottom navigation of the screen which creates a large white space beneath it where the action list would be rendered if visible... On the first click the menu will render in that white space which requires the user to scroll to see it... on the second click however it will draw upward (ideally) so that the user ...