Does jqGrid support zebra striping? I can't see any examples.
By zebra striping I mean each even row has one color and each odd row has another color.
Currently we are using JQuery UI themes to theme our grids.. ideally the way we do striping won't interfere with us using the UI themes
For normal html-tables I use
$('table.alt tr:even').addClass('bg');
for striping the table. But obviously that doesn't work with ajax. the index of every new table-row is "-1" and therefore every new row gets the class.
Even the Live Query-Plugin from can't help me. Any suggestions?
We use jqGrid with altclass set and with hoverrows:true. When you click on a row, the altclass class is no longer applied and the hover effect no longer works on the clicked row. How can you stop this from happening?
I have an GridView that I use the tablesorter on:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("[id$='_myGridView']").tablesorter({ sortList: [[0, 0]] });
How can I apply zebra striping that re-stripes when re-sorting?
Edit: As @Chetan Sastry pointed out, it's as simple as:
$(document).ready(function() {