
Using Zend Lucene to search PDF files

Is there a way to use Zend_Search_Lucene to search/index PDF documents? ...

How to redirect to (or enforce) SSL connection?

I am using Zend Framework(MVC part of it), and need to either redirect user to SSL enabled page or to force SSL from controller somehow and don't quite see how to do that? Maybe someone can share the knowledge? Thanks! ...

Can an array be specified in an ini file to be parsed using Zend_Config_Ini

Is there a way to specify a one dimensional array in a ini file. so in my ini I would like to do someproperty = [array of something] I am using Zend_Config_Ini config adapter (I prefer ini for base configuration). ...

How to create WHERE IN clause with Zend_Db_Select

So I am trying to accomplish something like this: SELECT * FROM table WHERE status_id IN (1,3,4); using Zend_Db_Select... can't find how to do it :( Is it at all possible? ...

Zend_Validator Question?

Hi, how to validate letters and whitespaces using Zend Framework ? ...

Zend_Paginator blurring MVC lines

I'm working on a Zend Framework (1.7) project with a structure loosely based on the structure of the quickstart application - front controller, action controllers, views & models that use Zend_Db_Table to get to the database. One of my main models relies on some expensive joins to pull up its primary listing, so I'm looking into using Z...

PHP debugging - where to set the breakpoints? how to authenticate?

So I've just recently made the step from ad hoc debugging with dump, print_r and echo to some more sophisticated methods and I'm having a struggle. I work with Zend Framework, Aptana and Zend Debugger. At this moment I'm trying to debug a custom controller and whatever I try I don't get to my breakpoint which I understand since there ...

Zend_Form: how to check 2 fields are identical

I have created a form to add a user to a database and make user available for login. Now I have two password fields (the second is for validation of the first). How can I add a validator for this kind of validation to zend_form? This is my code for the two password fields: $password = new Zend_Form_Element_Password('password', array(...

Enumeration management with zend framework (ZF)?

Is there any existing project or incubator to manage user administratable lists of options? We have several 100 lists (most populate dropdowns in our application), many are quite short < 50 items, several with a few hundred items and a handful with thousands (<30,000) entries. What we are looking for is a database based structure and UI...

Maintain runtime settings across environments in version control?

We are investigating the Magento ecommerce platform and refining our deployment and version control strategy. Right now, we are looking for the best way to keep multiple environments in sync (e.g. QA/Development environments/Production) when it comes to settings that are adjusted in the admin interface (e.g. Adding products, system conf...

How do I quickly create a complex select query using Zend_Db?

Let's say have something like: SELECT energy_produced, energy_consumed, timestamp1 AS timestamp FROM ( SELECT max(energy_produced) AS energy_produced, mid(timestamp, 1, 10) AS timestamp1 FROM tbl_energy WHERE site_id = 1366 AND mid(timestamp, 1, 10) >= DATE_SUB(curdate(),INTERVAL 1 day) group by mid(timestamp1, 1, 10)) AS e1 INNER JOIN...

.htaccess for Zend Debugger, Eclipse and Zend Framework

Hi, I want to debug my project in Zend Framework in Eclipse. Zend Debugger is already running bud now I have problem with Debug tool in Eclipse. It give an extra GET parametrs and the project in Zend don't like it. I tried to google it and found this I modifed the .htaccess file but not make it working. RewriteEngine On RewriteCond ...

Items from multiple categories best practices

Hi, I'm making list of items in categories, problem is that item can be in multiple categories. What is your best practice to store items in categories and how list all items within category and its child categories? I am using Zend Framework and MySQL to slove this issue. Thanks for your replies. Sorry for my English :) ...

How To Properly Create Domain using Zend Framework?

I asked this question a while back but now I'm looking to implement an actual separation between my database access layer and the domain layer. I am also going to be working to move business logic into the domain where it belongs and out of the controller scripts. I'm using Zend Framework which implements the Table Data Gateway and Row ...

How to Design Domain Layer Objects to Represent Multiple Objects & Single Object in Zend Framework?

I'm working on creating a domain layer in Zend Framework that is separate from the data access layer. The Data Access Layer is composed to two main objects, a Table Data Gateway and a Row Data Gateway. As per Bill Karwin's reply to this earlier question I now have the following code for my domain Person object: class Model_Row_Person { ...

How to Establish Multiple Table Inheritance in the Domain using Zend Framework?

I have a database structure that has a Person table which contains fields such as name, email, company_id, personType and the like. Because not all Person's are necessarily system user's, I have a separate table User that defines userName and password for those Person's that are User's in the system. I have the following code to define ...

Deep routes in Zend Framework without modules - how?

I'm writing some routes for a REST service. One of my resource's URI looks like this resources/user/:id I also want to give access to individual attributes of a user, which would look like this resources/user/:id/:attribute But when I try to define that latter route, it doesn't work. Here's my ini where the routes are defined rout...

Zend Framework - Zend_Form Decorator Issue

I have a class that extends Zend_Form like this (simplified): class Core_Form extends Zend_Form { protected static $_elementDecorators = array( 'ViewHelper', 'Errors', array('Label'), array('HtmlTag', array('tag' => 'li')), ); public function loadDefaultDecorators() { $this->set...

Zend Framework on nginx

The Zend Framework based site I have been working on is now being migrated to its production server. This server turns out to be nginx (surprise!). Naturally the site does not work correctly as it was developed on Apache and relies on an htaccess file. My question is... anyone have any experience with this? Any ideas on how to translat...

Can I integrate a Zend-Framework powered web application into a wordpress site?

I have a project in which I want to be able to call wp_list_pages() on a page that also uses the Zend Framework to power some complex interfaces manages custom data outside of wordpress. This page should also redirect the user to the wordpress login screen if they're not already logged in with the appropriate level of authorization. Ho...