
How to change the value of a Zend_Form_Element_Submit

I have several forms which the only difference is the text in the submit button. I am trying to change the Submit text by changing it's value, but to no avail. $form=getForm()//get a full Zend_Form object with elements. $form->getElement('mySubmit')->setValue('new value'); .... .... $form->render(); //This will still put 'mySubmit' in t...

ZendFramework and open ID login, Is the ZF up to date?

I am trying to integrate an openID login in a ZF project (using the MVC). I get failures. When I traced the code I see the failures originate from: OpenId/Consumer.php (line ~740). Those lines try to analyze the open id protocol version from the first request done to the open id provider. The regexp in the ZF expect to receive HTML with ...