
Renaming a File/Folder inside a Zip File in Java?

I have a zip file containing a folder structure like main-folder/ subFolder1/ subFolder2/ subFolder3/ file3.1 file3.2 I would like to rename folder main-folder to let's say versionXY inside that very zip file using Java. Is there a simpler way than extracting the whole zip file and recreating a new one using the new folder names...

unzip (zip, tar, tag.gz) files with ruby

I want do unzip a lot of zip files, is there a module or script that check which format the zip file is and decompress it? this should work on linux, other OSs I don't care for this. ...

Extract Directory Inside Zip

Hey! I'm writing a script to extract files from a zip archive into the directory that the script is located. Here's my code: $zip = new ZipArchive; if ($zip->open('') === TRUE) { $zip->extractTo('.'); $zip->close(); unlink('installer.php'); echo 'it works!'; } else { echo 'failed'; } This works fine, but there's one p...

ASP.NET - Web page request to unzip file on server.

We use SharpZipLib. We need to be able to unzip files on server and place them in separate folder. The request to unzip a file will be from user on a web page. I imagine if the files are large enough it will take a long time to unzip. We don't want users to be stuck on the page while waiting for unzip to complete in order to continue b...

How to get emacs Zip-Archive mode to work on Windows

Zip-Archive mode works on systems with zip/unzip. How do you get it to work on Wnidows? ...

PHP Zip extractTo - problem with permissions

Hi I'm trying to unzip a Zip archive in PHP using extractTo. The PHP script is running via the webbrowser i.e. as "nobody". The script: 1) creates a new subdirectory (e.g. "abc"), with permissions 0777 and owner "nobody" under document root (i.e. one level above public_html) 2) copies the Zip file (from an incoming FTP directory und...

Windows API to extract zip files?

In Windows Explorer you can extract a compressed folder (a zip file) Is there an API or command line to extract a zip file using the same method programatically? ...

SharpZipLib - what is the status on this product?

I went to download SharpZipLib assemblies but it looks like its not on SourceForge. Is this a problem with their site or is this project no longer available? Is anyone still working on this project? ...

Ensure a form is posted using zip

I have a form that is posting a pretty long string (60k) that is highly compressible. I would like to ensure that the browser encodes the form data in a zip format to reduce the network bandwidth required, however I am not sure how to do that. Can someone point me in the right direction. ...

unzip strings in javascript

anyone knows a simple JS library implementing the UNZIP algorithm? No disk-file access, only zip and unzip a string of values. there are ActiveX, using WinZIP and other client dependent software for ZIP, written in JS. but no pure algorithm implementation, is it really difficult or non-functional? i would use it for displaying KMZ fil...

Is there any way to read the properties of a Compressed Archive?

Are there any tool / simple method to read the properties (Ex : Compression level, Dictionary size, word size etc)? ...

Zip folder in C#

What is an example (simple code) of how to zip a folder in C#? Update: I do not see namespace ICSharpCode. I downloaded ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll but I do not know where to copy that DLL file. What do I need to do to see this namespace? And do you have link for that MSDN example for compress folder, because I read all MSDN but I c...

how to Zip files in 2005

hai how to zip files(Any files or folder ) in 2005.please give some ideas thank you by somu ...

How to unzip a file in VBScript using internal Windows XP options in

I want to unzip a .zip file using VBScript, only it's always a new computer with no external applications on it. Now I know Windows XP and 2003 have an internal .zip folder option, so I guess I can use it via VBScript in order to extract the file. How do I do it? I tried: Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application") Set SrcFldr =...

ASP.NET Zip File - Download and Then Remove Temp zipFile

Hi , i got a download page , there 3 download option , Word , Zip , PDF .. and there is a folder in there so many .DOC file. I want when a user click ZIP option in page , ASP.NET zip this folder with doc files than it will be temp zip file , and then client will save it from server.When user's download is finished then tempZip file will...

What are the different zlib compression methods and how do I force the default in Java's Deflater?

I am using DeflaterOutputStream to compress data as a part of a proprietary archive file format. I'm then using jcraft zlib code to decompress that data on the other end. The other end is a J2ME application, hence my reliance on third party zip decompression code and not the standard Java libraries. My problem is that some files zip and...

Zipping and Unzipping tool for Flash

Are you aware of any zip/unzip component or script for flash / actionscript 2 ? I'm aware of this library for flex / AS3, but is there one for AS2 that will save me a long conversion attempt? Is there such a library that supports creating/parsing password protected zip files? ...

How should I extract compressed folders in java?

I am using the following code to extract a zip file in Java. import*; import*; class testZipFiles { public static void main(String[] args) { try { String filename = "C:\\zip\\"; testZipFiles list = new testZipFiles( ); list.getZipFiles(f...

How do I ZIP a file in C#, using no 3rd-party APIs?

I'm pretty sure this is not a duplicate so bear with me for just a minute. How can I programatically (C#) ZIP a file (in Windows) without using any third party libraries? I need a native windows call or something like that; I really dislike the idea of starting a process, but I will if I absolutely have to. A PInovke call would be much ...

"Reading" zip files as if they were directories

Are there any libraries for dealing with zip files as if they were simply directories? i.e. get a file listing, read a file, etc. I prefer something in C, but any other language is fine. Also, it would help if such a library could deal with other compression formats (rar, 7z, etc). ...