
Access a large file in a zip archive with HTML in a python-webkit WebView without extracting

I apologize for any confusion from the question title. It's kind of a complex situation with components that are new to me so I'm unsure of how to describe it succinctly. I have some xml data and an image in an archive (zip in this case, but could easily be tar or tar.gz) and using python, gtk, and webkit, place the image in a webkit.We...

How to zip multiple files using only .net api in c#

I like to zip multiple files which are being created dynamically in my web application. Those files should be zipped. For this, i dont want to use any third-party tools. just like to use .net api in c# ...

Cross platform file compression

We need a cross platform solution for compressing files. Our server runs on Windows XP/Vista/7 and 3 Unix distros, SunOS, HPUX, and AIX. Our server creates files that needed to be zipped before being set back to the client. Our initial thought was to compress the files with jar, as most of the servers have java installed, but apparent...

Download multiple files and zip them on client side programaticaly

I have a requirement to download multiple files from server and zip them into one file. So that user will to deal with only one file while downloading. We have files hosted in akamai servers, we want to download those files in client side, then zip them programatically and popup message asking user where they want to save the zip file...

Python: zip-like function that pads to longest length?

Is there a built-in function that works like zip() but that will pad the results so that the length of the resultant list is the length of the longest input rather than the shortest input? >>> a=['a1'] >>> b=['b1','b2','b3'] >>> c=['c1','c2'] >>> zip(a,b,c) [('a1', 'b1', 'c1')] >>> What command goes here? [('a1', 'b1', 'c1'), (None, '...

What versions/flavors of WinZip can be opened by the v.

Evaluating a third party data processing tool, I have bumped into a case where some WinZip files cause an exception: Caused by: Unknown compression method 98 at I have seen this with files created with WinZip 11.2 and newer. What's the lat...

Php: How to calculate Adler32 checksum for zip?

I'm using a combination of Paul Duncans php ZipStream ( on the server side, for on-the-fly creation of zips, and Fzip ( on the Flex/Air client side. Works fine in Air, but when running Flex in browser, the zip needs to include a Adler32 checksum in the header ...

Php: How to handle file processing and download operations in a single script?

Hi! In a single script, I need to do the following: create a zip out of files in a directory force the download of the newly create zip My problem is that whenever I try to do this in a single script, the downloaded zip is corrupted (filesize is ok though). If I trig the processes in two separate script calls, the downloaded zip is ...

Problem while opening a zip file

I have a problem when opening a zip file. I am using this code to zip the file: public static string Zip_File(string soruce , string target) { try { byte[] bufferWrite; using (FileStream fsSource = new FileStream(soruce, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileSh...

Zipping a directory to a remote location in Java

I'm trying to create a zip file from a directory in Java, then place that file on a remote server (a network share). I'm currently getting an error because the Java File object cannot reference a remote location and I'm not really sure where to go from there. Is there a way to zip a directory in Java to a remote location without using ...

Is there non-linear difference between strong (i.e. AES) and non-strong (i.e. classic zip) encryption

AES and other modern encryption algorithm are considered strong and sometimes one can see quotes like "it's not recommended to use classic zip encryption since it is no longer considered strong". But is there a really non-linear difference between them? For example, if both produce sequences with high entropy, does it mean that with a ve...

How to [recursively] Zip a directory in PHP?

Directory is something like: home/ file1.html file2.html Another_Dir/ file8.html Sub_Dir/ file19.html I am using the same PHP Zip class used in PHPMyAdmin . I'm not sure how to zip a directory rather than just a file. Here's what I hav...

How to Write my own zip class in .net

I wanted to use .net's System.IO.Compression.GZipStream to compress and decompress a directory. But I find it only able to compress a single file, how can I write a zip class that can compress a specific directory to a zip file? ps: we're not allowed to use any third party zip library ...

C# SharpZipLib strips irrelevant directory names

I am using SharpZipLib to zip up a folder with subdirectories and this is working fine. What I would like to do is strip off the parents directories of the first child file so the whole structure that is irrelevant isn't carried forth... Example: c:\a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\file1.txt c:\a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\file2.txt c:\a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\file1.txt...

How to retrieve data from a attached zip file in Blackberry application?

I am using eclipse to build application for Blackberry. I attached a zip file with my application. Please help me, I don't know how to retrieve data form the zip file in application development. ...

Subversion diff for zipped xml file

I'm using MySQL Workbench to maintain the database schema for an application. The .mwb file that Workbench uses, which is a zipped XML document, is kept in a Subversion repository. The file is treated as binary data by Subversion, so I cannot use svn diff to show the changes, for example before committing. Since the data is really XML,...

Zip task of MSBuild Community Tasks changes file attribute

I have found that creating a zip file using the Zip task provided by MSBuild Community Tasks changes (or rather, deletes) any file attributes of the files being zipped. Here is one of my calls to the Attrib task to make DLLs inside a folder have the read-only attribute: <Attrib ReadOnly="true" Normal="true" Files="@(DLLsToReadOnly)" /> ...

How can I zip up a folder and then unzip it to somewhere else?

I'm working on a site which downloads folders users upload from our other server, but first we have to zip that folder - how do I zip up a whole folders' contents? ... - Recreating directory structure

Hello there. While trying to zip an archive using the I ran into a lot of problems most of which I solved. Now that I finally get some output I struggle with getting the "right" output. I have an extracted ODT file (directory would be more fitting a description) to which I did some modifications. Now I want to compress that...

ZIP on the fly immediatelly

I need to generate a ZIP file with data on the fly from a servlet. I pass the ServletOutputSream to the ZipOutputStream constructor, and it does and send the ZIP to the client correctly. When the ZIP result is large, the servlet takes to answer a lot. I suppose that first creates the ZIP and after send it. I make a helper class that w...