
Has anyone tried using ZooKeeper?

I was currently looking into memcached as way to coordinate a group of server, but came across Apache's ZooKeeper along the way. It looks interesting, and Yahoo uses it, so it shouldn't be bad, but I'd never heard of it before, so I'm kind of skeptical. Has anyone else given it a try? Any comments or ideas? ...

How to point autoconf/automake to non-standard packages

I'm trying to build ZooKeeper on a RedHat Linux box. (Exactly what ZooKeeper is is probably not important :-) When I follow the package instructions, I get: $ autoreconf -if aclocal:configure.ac:33: warning: macro `AM_PATH_CPPUNIT' not found in library aclocal:configure.ac:33: warning: macro `AM_PATH_CPPUNIT' not found in library conf...

Real World Use of Zookeeper

I've been looking at Zookeeper recently and wondered whether anybody was using it currently and what they were specifically using it for storing. The most common use case is for configuration information, but what kind of data and how much data are you storing? ...

Servicemix 4, DOSGi, and Zookeeper

This is cross posted from the fusesource forum and the servicemmix forum. I can't get DOSGi working in FUSE. I'm trying to get CXF's DOSGi 1.1-SNAPSHOT with Zookeeper discovery onto FUSE I'm also using Zookeepr 3.2.1. Everything works perfectly on Felix 2.0.0. I just follow the instructions on the DOSGi Discovery page an...

JMX connection with zookeeper

Hi Can anyone please help me on how to mention java opts in zookeeper. I am trying to use jconsole for zookeeper. its mentioned that jmx is enabled by default. But not able to get the details like jmx port Thanks rUpA ...

message passing and signaling in distributed system

I have a distributed video analysis system, which is composed of: 1. feature extraction: generated lots of features(20+) from each frame of the video 2. multiple detectors(in different machine): * Each of them will get a subset of feature * Each of them needs the features from multiple frames. * Eg. Detector 1 needs feature 1-5...

Zookeeper/Chubby -vs- MySql NDB

I have been reading the Paxos paper, the FLP theorem etc. recently and evaluating Apache Zookeeper for a project. I have also been going thru Chubby (Google's distributed locking service) and the various literature on it that is available online. My fundamental usecase for Zookeeper is to implement replication and general coordination fo...

zookeeper - locking one-of-many

I have a set of resources each of which has a unique identifier, and each resource element must be locked before it is used, and unlocked afterwards. The logic of the application is: lock any one element; if (none locked) then exit with error; else get resource-id from lock use resource unlock resource end Zookeeper loo...

ZooKeeper and RabbitMQ/Qpid together - overkill or a good combination?

Greetings, I'm evaluating some components for a multi-data center distributed system. We're going to be using message queues (via either RabbitMQ or Qpid) so agents can make asynchronous requests to other agents without worrying about addressing, routing, load balancing or retransmission. In many cases, the agents will be interacting w...

Distributed sequence number generation?

I've generally implemented sequence number generation using database sequences in the past. e.g. Using Postgres SERIAL type http://neilconway.org/docs/sequences/ I'm curious though as how to generate sequence numbers for large distributed systems where there is no database. Does anybody have any experience or suggestions of a best pra...

Anyone using SharpKeeper in production?

SharpKeeper is a port of ZooKeeper to .NET. The port was done by Eric Hauser as seen on his blog. The code is only available on GitHub here as far as I can tell. My question is does it work? Is anyone using SharkKeeper in production or is it just a toy at this point? ...

Can I recursively create a path in Zookeeper?

I'm pulling ZooKeeper into a project for some concurrency management, and the first thing I tried was something that, to me, was quite obvious (using the zkpython binding): zh = zookeeper.init('localhost:2181') zookeeper.create(zh, '/path/to/a/node', '', [ZOO_OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE]) And I got back a NoNodeException for my trouble. After re...

CXF DOSGI Discovery using Zookeeper

Hi, I am trying to use CXF Distributed OSGi Discovery for my project and I followed all the steps in the link http://cxf.apache.org/dosgi-discovery.html. I could see on the zookeeper server console that my cxf bundle has initaited the connection. But ,when I deploy bundles with remote services, it doesn't show up on zookeeper server con...

ZooKeeper alternative for .net

Is there any alternative of ZooKeeper in .net? Other than database which we all use for similar stuff. We need it for leader selection and to make sure one item is getting processed only once and various distributed status sharing. ...

Explaining Apache ZooKeeper

I am trying to understand ZooKeeper, how it works and what it does. And I am totally confused. Is there any application which is comparable to ZooKeeper? If you know, then how would you describe ZooKeeper to a layman. (Considering I am one) I have tried apache wiki, zookeeper sourceforge...but I am still not able to relate to it. Any ...

If you are using Apache ZooKeeper, what do you use it for?

Is someone out there who is using ZooKeeper for their sites? If you do, what do you use it for? i just want to see real word use case? ...

Getting "uninitialized constant Zookeeper (NameError)" while trying to use zookeeper gem

I'm trying to use zookeeper gem and example code from README fails: require 'rubygems' require 'zookeeper' z = Zookeeper.new("localhost:2181") z.get_children(:path => "/") causes error: ./zookeeper.rb:3: uninitialized constant Zookeeper (NameError) from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in `gem_original_require' from...