
How can you export your .bashrc to .zshrc?

I am trying to move to zsh from Bash. I put my .bashrc directly to my .zshrc, and it caused a lot of errors when I try to use Bash again. How can you export your .bashrc to .zshrc? ...

bindkey with zsh on Mac

Hi, I've been trying to bind keys in zzh on a Mac but am having some trouble. I know I should be Googling this but couldn't find what I need... I've been trying to bind ctrl-backspace to be an equivalent of ctrl-w, ie delete one word. But I can't find the key code for it. Nothing shows up when I do it with 'read'. I can't find a chart ...

Saving current directory to zsh history

I wanted to achieve the same as asked here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/945288/saving-current-directory-to-bash-history but within zsh shell. I haven't done any zsh trickry before but so far I have: function precmd { hpwd=$history[$((HISTCMD-1))] if [[ $hpwd == "cd" ]]; then cwd=$OLDPWD else cwd=$PWD fi hpwd="${hpwd% ### *} ### $c...

How do I fix my zsh prompt now that I've upgraded to snow leopard?

I recently upgraded my system to snow leopard and now my prompt doesn't work properly. I have this line in my .zshrc file: PROMPT='%{$fg_no_bold[cyan]%}%n@%{$fg_no_bold[red]%}%m%{$fg_no_bold[green]%}$(git_branch)%{$reset_color%}: ' (where "git_branch" is a function that give me information about the current git branch I'm working on)...

Zsh alias not working as in bash

I use this alias in my .bashrc but doesn't seem to work in zsh using .zshrc. Other aliases I use are working fine so I know the .zshrc is source other aliases. alias rubydev3="cd ~/code/ruby/rails/rails3projects/" This is the error message: cd:cd:10: no such file or directory: /home/jryan/code/ruby/rails/rails3tutorial/ I don't know...

cd -1, -2, -3 etc in Z shell

Hi, How do you set up Z-shell so that typing cd - gives you a list of previously visited paths? cd -1, -2, -3 etc then take you to the directories. ...