



I'm using the Apache Derby embedded database for unit testing in a Maven project. Unfortunately whenever I run the test I end up with the derby.log file in the root of the project. The database itself is created in the target directory (jdbc:derby:target/unittest-db;create=true) so that is not a problem. After consulting the reference guide I tried setting the logDevice parameter on the JDBC url (jdbc:derby:target/unittest-db;create=true;logDevice=/mylogs) but that seems to be for a different log, hence derby.log still appears.

Any help is much appreciated.

+2  A: 

You can get rid of derby.log file by creating a class DerbyUtil with the static

public static final OutputStream DEV_NULL = new OutputStream() {         
    public void write(int b) { }     

and setting to "DerbyUtil.DEV_NULL".

Credit to
What if I'm using Derby through Hibernate? Where to I put the line ""?
In a webapp it's a pain to set system props. Any way around it?
I don't think so, but you can set things up in your web.xml or spring config to run at startup and do it there.
+2  A: 

Derby let you specify the name of the file to which the error log messages are written using the Java system property ''

The default value is 'derby.log'. See

To get rid of the derby.log during the Maven surefire testing phase, I just add the property definition in the plugin configuration as follows:

Laurent Fournié

I have came up with another solution. Try this out it worked for me. What I am doing here is I have changed the path and set it to one of the properties present under my property file. just adding the below given code to your applicationContext.xml file will work.

<bean id="setDerbyLog" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.MethodInvokingFactoryBean">
  <property name="targetClass"><value>java.lang.System</value></property>
  <property name="targetMethod"><value>setProperty</value></property>
  <property name="arguments">

