I'm in the same fix that you're in...i have different subclasses which have corresponding action beans, but a lot of the flow is the same. In the past we have just copied and pasted...not happy with that!
I have some ideas I am going to try out with using the expression language. First, I came up with an action bean factory that will return the right action bean to use for a given class, then i can call that factory to set a variable that i can use instead of the hard-coded bean name.
Here's part of the flow:
<action-state id="checkForParams">
<set name="flowScope.clientKey" value="requestParameters.clientKey"/>
<set name="flowScope.viewReportBean"
<evaluate expression="viewReportBean"/>
The evaluate in the last line would normally refer directly to a bean, but now it refers to the result of the "set" I just did.
Good news--the right bean gets called.
Bad news--anything in the flow scope needs to be Serializable, so I get a NotSerializableException--arggh!
I can try setting something on a very short-lived scope, in which case it will need to get called all the time...or I can figure out some kind of proxy which holds the real bean as a proxy declared "transient".
BTW, I am using Spring 2.5.6 and webflow 2.0.7. Later versions may have better ways of handling this; in particular, EL's have gotten some attention, it seems. I'm still stuck with OGNL, which is the Spring 1.x EL.
I'm sure some webflow guru knows other ways of doing things in a less clunky fashion...