




hi, I need to popup dialog to be showed when i get a message from differnt thread but the dialog should be not dependent on Activity i.e, it should display the dialog wherever the screen focus is .can it be done ..because the dialog is handled per Activity ,i thought of using service but again it would be one more thread added so want to avoid that .Any other options available
Thanks in advance

+3  A: 

If you're trying to ask how to show a dialog when your activity is not the focused activity on the user's phone then try using Notifications instead. Popping up a dialog over a different application interrupts the user when they may be doing something else. From the Android UI guidelines:

Use the notification system — don't use dialog boxes in place of notifications

If your background service needs to notify a user, use the standard notification system — don't use a dialog or toast to notify them. A dialog or toast would immediately take focus and interrupt the user, taking focus away from what they were doing: the user could be in the middle of typing text the moment the dialog appears and could accidentally act on the dialog. Users are used to dealing with notifications and can pull down the notification shade at their convenience to respond to your message.

A guide to create notifications is here: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/notifiers/notifications.html

hi, As i phone have Application delegate which always listen to the to the UI changes is there any thing similiar in Android ?