



I've noticed that our cruise control server does not fail the build when content files are missing.

I'd like to fail the build when javascript / graphics files etc are missing. How can I go about validating the project file with the files pulled from svn?

+2  A: 

You can create a target to check to make sure that all Content files are physically located on disk and raise an error if this is not the case. Here is such a target

<Target Name="ValidateContentFiles">
  <Error Condition="!Exists(%(Content.FullPath))" 
         Text="Missing Content file [%(Content.FullPath)]"/>

You can make sure that this target is executed everytime by adding it to the InitialTargets attribute on the Project element. For example

<Project InitialTargets="ValidateContentFiles"
         ToolsVersion="3.5" DefaultTargets="Build" 
Sayed Ibrahim Hashimi