



I have the following

  type: "POST",        
  url: "qry_invControl.cfm",        
  data: "p_sales_price=" + input.val() + "&action=getCashPrice",
  cache: false,       
  success: function(data) {    

I need to modify my qry_invControl.cfm to return other stuff like terms, monthly payment besides the cashPrice. How do I modify my success funtion so that I could do something like:


I will need to populate other divs to show the related data (terms,monthlyPayment) with one ajax call which will come from qry_invControl.cfm.

+1  A: 

You should look into passing data back via JSON. jQuery has a .getJSON function for that purpose.

JSON tutorial.

Artem Russakovskii
+1  A: 

You want to return you data as a JSON object:

{ cashPrice: 4.50, terms: 2, monthlyPayment: 50 }

You can also specify dataType: "json" in your $.ajax call so that jQuery automatically treats the returned value as JSON. Make sure you using quotations around any non-numeric values (2.50 is fine, $2.50 needs quotes).

+8  A: 

Specify the datatype as JSON.

  dataType: 'json', 
  type: "POST",        
  url: "qry_invControl.cfm",        
  data: "p_sales_price=" + input.val() + "&action=getCashPrice",
  cache: false,       
  success: function(data) {    


In your CFM page you can output JSON with the SerializeJSON() function.

<cfset data = structNew()>
<cfset data.cashPrice = 4.50> 
<cfset data.terms = 2>
<cfset data.monthlyPayment= 50>
Patrick McElhaney
That's what I did. Now, I have to find out how to get the values out of JSon object.
When I hit the qry_invControl.cfm with some values, it displays:{"INTERESTRATE":5.99,"CASH_SALES_PRICE":21250,"MONTHLYPAYMENT":"$248.60","PROJECTNUMBER":44065.0,"TOTALMONTHS":140,"TYPE":"HIGH","SALESPRICE":25000.0}When I pass the same values from jQuery, I run into problems. If i do success: function(data) { alert(data.CASH_SALES_PRICE); It will display the cash_sales_price. If I try to alert MONTHLYPAYMENT, or TOTALMONTHS, I get "undefined" . why?
Can't tell without seeing more code. It sounds like you're not getting back what you expect from ColdFusion. Are you watching the output in a debugger, such as Firebug?
Patrick McElhaney
ColdFusion page returns:{"INTERESTRATE":5.99,"CASH_SALES_PRICE":21250,"MONTHLYPAYMENT":"$248.60","PROJECTNUMBER":44065.0,"TOTALMONTHS":140,"TYPE":"HIGH","TIMESTAMP":"June, 22 2009 13:07:01","SALESPRICE":25000.0}If I do: success: function(data) { alert(data.INTERESTRATE); .... }I will see the interestrate. It feels like it doesn't like anything after MONTHLYPAYMENT. I do have firebug, but I don't see any javascript errors.
is it an issue to deal with JS being case-sensitive? cf is making the key names uppercase
Sam Farmer
After hours of staring, I finally found out what was going on. It was <div id="projectNumber_#tempPHIID#"> <cfif project_number EQ "">   <cfelse> #project_number# </cfif> </div>For some reason, this created a json string like: {"CASH_SALES_PRICE":"$21,250.00","TYPE":"HIGH","PROJECTNUMBER":"\n\t\t\t\t\t\t 44065 \n ","INTERESTRATE":5.99,"SALESPRICE":25000.0} The queries in qry_invControl.cfm crapped out because of the weird chars. Once I moved the div around projectnumber, it worked. Wow-Ricky James
+1  A: 

The best solution is to have your script format the return data as json, and add


to your jQuery ajax setup. Adding that line makes jQuery automatically parse the json string into a javascript object. From there you can do exactly what you want: data.cashPrice, data.terms, etc.

Gabriel Hurley