



On there is a link called “NUnit Details”. When you click on this it gives a lot of details including a summary section that looks similar to this…

Summary Assemblies tested: 2 Tests executed: 56 Passes: 54 Fails: 2 Ignored: 2

I would like the summary emailed to me on every build. Any tips would be great.


The format of the e-mail is configured in the ccnet.exe.config or ccservice.exe.config (in C:\Program Files\CruiseControl.NET\server) if you are running ccnet a service.

I believe the file that you want to include is tests.xml as that includes a detailed listing of the nunit test results. Modify the xslFiles section of the configuration file to include this stylesheet. It will look something like this.

<!-- Specifies the stylesheets that are used to transform the build results when using the EmailPublisher -->
    <file name="xsl\header.xsl"/>
    <file name="xsl\compile.xsl"/>
    <!-- add tests.xsl here... --> 
    <file name="xsl\tests.xsl"/>
g .