



Our coding standards have us putting each attribute within a tag on a separate line. However, when I have VS (2008) format the markup is lumps all the attributes together. Is there a way to change this behavior??



I have not found any options within Visual Studio itself that would allow you to force your attribute to format this way. It seems that you have two options:

1) Go into Tools->Options->Text Editor->HTML and remove all the formating stuff (or as much as you need).

2) Find a coding-style plugin that allows this to be specified. I use Microsoft StyleCop, but it functions more as a check on already written code. Still, it allows custom rules to be written and writing one for your rule would not be difficult.


If you are working with HTML, you may be out of luck without an add-in to Visual Studio.

However, VS is capable of formatting XAML this way, as it is a popular convention for many XAML developers.

To enable this formatting for XAML go to Tools > Options > Text Editor > XAML > Formatting > Spacing and select "Position each attribute on a separate line"

Ben Elder