I know this has been a hot topic in the past, spawning many flame wars and a tribe-like attitude in the forums. Some years have passed and Java has evolved: we now have more annotations for almost everything, nice scaffolding tools like Appfuse or Spring Roo, etc.
I'd like to know, from people who have developed real projects on RnR and Java (any frameworks) if you think that the speed of development in RnR is still faster than Java (this is the main asset of RnR and for many people the reason for choosing it) after the first month of development
Please notice that this is not a question about other benefits like execution speed, scalability, etc. Only development speed.
Also it's not a question about other alternatives (like using JRuby and combining both worlds, or Grails) It's just about Java and Ruby.
Sincerity in this topic would be really welcome: most blogs seem to be die-hard fans of one of both technologies.
Thanks for any insight !