



Since generics are only checked during compile time with Java 5, can they avoid ClassCastExceptions in all situations?

+2  A: 

No. Using Java 5.0 and generics type doesn't make you ClassCastException-proof.

Grzegorz Oledzki
is there any way for that...
If you don't cast at all, you shouldn't see any ClassCastException.
Grzegorz Oledzki
+12  A: 

First of all, you should make sure that your code compiles without unckeched warnings. That is a good indicator. To understand why, I suggest you take a look at the sample chapter for generics from Effective Java.

Second of all, generics can't guard you from code such as:

public void methodOne(Integer argument)  {

public void methodTwo(Object argument) {
     System.out.println(((Date) argument).getTime());

Third of all, if you're in some way or another messing with Class Loaders, you might get strange ClassCastExceptions, such as in this discussion thread. It is mind-numbing to see

java.lang.ClassCastException: javax.mail.Session cannot be cast to javax.mail.Session

So the answer is no, you can't get rid of ClassCastExceptions just by properly using generics.

Robert Munteanu
+1 For the ClassLoader gotchas
+16  A: 

The "cast-iron" guarantee that Java 5 generics provides is that you will never see a ClassCastException from the casts inserted by the compiler provided that compilation produced no "unchecked" warnings.

In real life, you often can't avoid unchecked warnings if your code uses legacy (non-generified) libraries. Then the compiler-generated casts can throw ClassCastException, and it's your job to prevent this by ensuring that the values returned by library code are well-typed for your declarations.

Otherwise the situation is unchanged. Outside of generics, if you cast to an incompatible type you'll get a ClassCastException the same way as you always did.

(A good reference for this and other generics questions is Java Generics and Collections.)


Nope. generics only save you from compile time errors, not runtime exceptions.

-1: What is a compile time exception?
Stephen C