I have a series of XSL 2.0 stylesheets that feed into each other, i.e. the output of stylesheet A feeds B feeds C.
What is the most efficient way of doing this? The question rephrased is: how can one efficiently route the output of one transformation into another.
Here's my first attempt:
public void transform(Source data, Result out) throws TransformerException{
for(Transformer autobot : autobots){
if(autobots.indexOf(autobot) != (autobots.size()-1)){
log.debug("Transforming prelim stylesheet...");
data = transform(autobot,data);
log.debug("Transforming final stylesheet...");
autobot.transform(data, out);
private Source transform(Transformer autobot, Source data) throws TransformerException{
DOMResult result = new DOMResult();
autobot.transform(data, result);
Node node = result.getNode();
return new DOMSource(node);
As you can see, I'm using a DOM to sit in between transformations, and although it is convenient, it's non-optimal performance wise.
Is there any easy way to route to say, route a SAXResult to a SAXSource? A StAX solution would be another option.
I'm aware of projects like XProc, which is very cool if you haven't taken a look at yet, but I didn't want to invest in a whole framework.