




This is some very simple code that I'm using to try showing a VerticalSplitPanel, but the widgets I add don't show. The divider thing of VerticalSplitPanels does show however the widgets I add don't.


public class MyView extends Composite
    private VerticalSplitPanel mainPanel=new VerticalSplitPanel();

    public CountryFilterView()

     mainPanel.setSize("100%", "100%");
     // Add some content
        String randomText = "This is some text to show how the contents on either "
            + "side of the splitter flow.   "
            + "This is some text to show how the contents on either "
            + "side of the splitter flow.   "
            + "This is some text to show how the contents on either "
            + "side of the splitter flow.   ";
        mainPanel.setTopWidget(new HTML(randomText));
        mainPanel.setBottomWidget(new HTML(randomText));

Am I doing something wrong, or is VerticalPanel just very annoyingly buggy?


Try run initWidget method before the component configuration. Check this link SplitPanel problems.

No, its still the same even after putting initWidget before everything else.
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+1  A: 

I just tried your code (with a small tweak to fix compile error) and it is displaying both widgets. I have tried this in GWT 2.0.

Here is the code I used that is working. Notice the Constructor name difference.

public class MyView extends Composite
    private VerticalSplitPanel mainPanel=new VerticalSplitPanel();

    public MyView()

     mainPanel.setSize("100%", "100%");
     // Add some content
     String randomText = "This is some text to show how the contents on either "
      + "side of the splitter flow.   "
      + "This is some text to show how the contents on either "
      + "side of the splitter flow.   "
      + "This is some text to show how the contents on either "
      + "side of the splitter flow.   ";
     mainPanel.setTopWidget(new HTML(randomText));
     mainPanel.setBottomWidget(new HTML(randomText));

And here is how i invoked it.

public void onModuleLoad() {
    RootPanel.get().add(new MyView());
they may have fixed it in the new version
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