



Hi everybody,

Does any of you have a clue on how to change the cursor color in Zend Studio 7.0 on Mac OS X?

I am asking because I really fancy dark colored themes. After a few hours I managed to port my favorite theme from However my cursor is still black, which is somehow troublesome.

As you can see here - - the cursor becomes pretty invisible, right?

Please help me out here. Btw - anyone interested in the theme?

All the best


Hey - I'm having the same trouble, and I'm interested in your theme, looks like twilight on TextMate, same as I use. Any luck getting it to be non-black?

notbrain -- there you go. I still had no luck changing the cursor color, and if I don't find a solution anytime soon, Zend/Eclipse is going down the drain. It's not usable at all...
+1  A: 

I love TextMate and its twilight theme, so this issue is dear to me. I think Eclipse for Mac just can't set the caret color due to an SWT bug.

In the meantime, you can enable line highlighting to make just the current line have a slightly lighter background. This worked for me:

  1. Open Preferences and go to General -> Editors -> Text Editors
  2. Check "Highlight current line"
  3. In the scrolling list at the bottom, set "Current line highlight" to a medium-dark gray.
Kevin Conner
This one was the closest I ever got to solving my issue. Thanks for the tip, Kevin!

Actually, a much better solution for Eclipse 3.5 is to use the Carbon build instead of Cocoa. Cocoa seems to force a black cursor but I didn't have this problem with Carbon. To my surprise it's also a lot faster to scroll through code in Carbon.

Kevin Conner