




For my new job I'll need to do Java development, which I have never done before. Nevertheless I have a fairly decent software development background, so it would be great to read a couple of books that won't be too simplistic (not "Java in 24 hours for the mentally deranged"-style ;-). Topics especially interesting for me are:

  • Language basics (but not OOP basics)
  • JBoss
  • Java Beans
  • JDBC

I won't be doing any GUI or web-development at least for the time being, so these things are of secondary interest. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated!

+5  A: 

Effective Java (2nd edition) - Josh Bloch

It doesn't cover any of the topics you mentioned, but it's likely to be the most important Java book you ever read, IMO.

Jon Skeet
This isn't the appropriate answer for this question: I feel like this is not a book full of fundamental Java concepts, though it is a very interesting read for those that are well founded in Java but have room to learn from one of the most knowledgeable Java programmers around.
@joeslice: To me, it's the book that the OP should get *whatever else he gets*. Note that I explicitly stated it doesn't cover the topics specified.
Jon Skeet
+1 A must read for EVERY java programmer!
This *is* an appropriate answer. Its the building blocks for all Java development. If you only buy one book - this is it.
+3  A: 

Thinking in Java could be really useful for a beginner.

And The Java Tutorial have a good introduction to the language basics and specific trails on topics like JDBC...

+1 for the Java Tutorial.
+2  A: 

Check out Head First Java.

Head First Java spends a LOT of time covering OOP.
+3  A: 

Like Jon Skeets recommendation "Effective Java" this book is a must read too:

Java Concurrency in Practice http://www.javaconcurrencyinpractice.com/

+1  A: 

I'd like to add Robert C. Martins book Clean Code to the recommendations. It really changed my way of thinking in Java software development.


No matter, what introductory book you'd like the most, Java Platform SDK is a must! :-)
