




Windows Vista behind ISA Server 2004 (on different machine). I'm running Eclipse 3.4 and whatever version of BIRT that comes out of "Software Updates...".

I can't seem to preview any of my reports in Report Design. When prompted for report parameters, I get a "Network Access Message: The page cannot be displayed..." message. It's the generic ISA Server error page.

What's goofy here is that the page is loading from localhost, so it shouldn't be going through the proxy at all. I have a localhost exception in my proxy settings. In fact, I've tried every single proxy configuration I could think of between Windows and Eclipse->Network Settings. I've tried with the ISA 2004 Firewall Client enabled and disabled (I usually have it disabled) I've also told BIRT to always use an external browser. Nothing works.

Anyone else experience this? These kind of problems happen to me from time to time with various eclipse plugins and even the integrated help (which works, BTW). Usually I can find a fix. This time I'm stuck.