



I could not find any pointers on how to create a menubar icon on OSX using wx. I originally thought that the wxTaskBarIcon class would do, but it actually creates an icon on the Dock. On Windows, wxTaskBarIcon creates a Systray icon and associated menu, and I would think that on mac osx it would create a menubar icon, I guess not.

+3  A: 

You have to set wxTaskBarIconType to STATUSITEM, not DOCK. The Cocoa APIs for this are NSStatusBar and NSStatusItem; here's the code in wxWidgets that calls to them.

Sören Kuklau
Hmm, I don' get it. That's C code. How do you set the taskbaricontype to STATUSITEM in Python?

This post by Robin Dunn, the creator of wxPython, explains that wxPython doesn't support menubar icons on mac yet. They only support the Dock.
