


+1  A: 

The dialog is to select an AVD - Android Virtual Device.

+6  A: 

I don't use netbeans, but it looks like you don't have any AVD's created, and if you do, then there is probably a way to associate them that you are missing in netbeans. You can check here to create an AVD

But I would just use eclipse if possible, the integration works really well, and it was written to run in eclipse, so there are less issues and hurdles.

Also see Running Your Application section of that will describe how to launch the app from the tools outside of the IDE.


The article at the link @broschb had posted is explaining how to create an AVD using command line. Do exactly what is says there (it's very easy). Once you have created the AVD it will appear in the AVD list in Netbeans. Actually, if you have only one AVD it will start by default when you run your app.


Just create avd (android virtual device) and run it.. like android -avd "name of your avd"

Then try to run your application.

It will ask you to select the virtual device that you have started above. Thats it.

Namit Rana

I have the same problem with you. But i have my emulator works now. Are you have to do is running your Android SDK Manager, then click Virtual devices, and Make new AVD device. Click New. Then fill name, and select Target (Platform of your Android), Skin, and hardware. Then click Create AVD to finish.

Now you have device to choose. :)
