



I'm looking for a complete java development infrastructure with an integration of:

Further I'd like to have:

  • a predefined multi component project structure

...and optionally:

  • an issue manager like Jira,
  • an integration with an open source hoster like sourceforge.

Evaluating all these systems could take a long time, making the setup of a running infrastructure a job of a month or longer.

At work I'm ready to setup each system individually, but for my private development at home I'd like to have something like Devware - A development environment virtual appliance (unfortunately I didn't find a download link) where everything is already installed and functional.

So, could you please give me some advice which combinations create a working infrastructure? Or even better where to find a preconfigured development infrastructure?

PS: I'm not committed to any of the named products, so feel free to suggest alternatives if they match better.

+4  A: 

If you're looking to avoid some integration pains, check out SecureCI, which is a free download of various open-source products in an integrated stack.

Blurb from the site:

SecureCI™ provides organizations with an integrated suite of open source tools that assist in the automation of the software build, test, and deploy process. By integrating secure code analysis and web security testing technologies, SecureCI extends continuous integration to incorporate automated security analysis and security testing of applications as well.

The current version bundles these tools:

  • Project Management
    • Trac (0.11.5)
    • Sonar (1.10.1)
  • Security Scanning
    • ratproxy (1.58)
  • Development
    • Subversion (1.4.6)
    • Hudson (1.322)
    • Apache Ant (1.7.1)
    • Apache Maven (2.2.1)
    • Sonatype Nexus (1.3.6)
  • Testing
    • JUnit (4.6)
    • Cobertura (1.9.2)
    • Selenium Remote Control (1.0.1)
  • Code Analysis
    • Checkstyle (5.0)
    • FindBugs (1.3.8)
    • PMD (4.2.5)
    • JDepend (2.9)

As far as IDE integrations are concerned, later versions of Eclipse now come integrated with Mylyn, this provides a task focused API for connecting to various tools.
The Trac integration can be installed with the Connector Install Wizard.

Other Eclipse integrations to use:

Rich Seller
Note that it is a pretty big download (952 MB)
Rich Seller
Unfortunately, it doesn't include any IDE. And a certain popular IDE makes it a pain to integrate with some of these out of the box (*cougheclipsecough*)
R. Bemrose
Thanks, I just started the download.
@R. Bemrose, which are a pain to integrate with in your experience? I've added a list of the integrations I know of, most of which I've used and had few issues with
Rich Seller
OK, I've started SecureCI and I'm impressed. It's a nice collection of tools with an easy access through a web interface.

You might want to look into It provides easy to install pre-configured Eclipse instances. You can also build/configure your own.

It has been a while since I actually used this so it may have changed since then.

+1  A: 

Or just use IntelliJ from JetBrains.

Isn't IntelliJ just a replacement for eclipse? What does it provide in terms of infrastructure?
Replacement? No, a big step up.
And now there's an open source community edition.

One option would be to use hosted solutions for some of your suggested toolset, rather than you having to install and maintain the infrastructure yourself.

Mike CI provide a hosted continuous integration service. Currently we support Java projects including a community plan that is free for open source projects. We are in private beta at the moment so feel free to sign-up, even if only to be notified of updates to our platform.

We also support SVN repositories that can be accessed via the web (http(s)).



Adam Leggett