I'm developing an Eclipse RCP based application, that uses the resource model of eclipse (workspace, projects, resources, etc.). For basic usage of the resource concept, there is no need to depend on the IDE plug-in. But many dialogs, wizards or views I want to use are inside this plug-in. I read about not to have any dependencies on IDE plug-ins in an RCP app.
For example, I want to implement a new project wizard and use the common look and functionality of the existing ones by overriding org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.WizardNewProjectCreationPage
and using org.eclipse.ui.wizards.newresource.BasicNewProjectResourceWizard
- both inside the IDE plug-in.
Are there any caveats using org.eclipse.ui.ide plug-in in an RCP app?
If so, what is your best practice to not reinvent the wheel?