




All the info I can find about burning cd's is for Windows, or about full programs to burn cd's. I would however like to be able to burn an Audio CD directly from within my program.

I don't mind using Cocoa or Carbon, or if there are no API's available to do this directly, using a command-line program that can use a wav/aiff file as input would be a possibility too if it can be distributed with my application.

Because it will be used to burn dj mixes to cd, it would also be great if it is possible to create different tracks without a gap between them.

+2  A: 

Check out the Apple-supplied drutil command. If you need more flexibility, the DiscRecording Framework is documented here.

Ned Deily
Thanks, it looks like the DiscRecording FrameWorking will do what I need.I also found a simple example on how to use it together with the DiscRecordingUI framework, and that looks really easy to use.For those that want to try the example, it looks like it was written for PowerPC, so you'll have to change the AIFF reader to swap the UInt32's around in order to make it work on x86http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/samplecode/AudioBurn/index.html

Check out the AudioBurner.qt (C++) sample from PrimoBurner SDK for C++.
