



Can any one suggest me an open source face recognition framework in Java?

+2  A: 

Check out OpenCV. A well-documented and acclaimed face detection technique by Viola & Jones has been implemented, known as Haar cascade.

A complete tutorial -- from training to experimentation -- is available here. Note that you don't actually need to do training; OpenCV comes bundled with several feature cascades, including a few for face detection.

Paul Lammertsma
Paul Lammertsma
Thanks for replying.can i use it to make a commertial attendance system.My idea is to make a attendance system by which people are automatically marked as present when they pass throug a passage containing cameras.
Well, technically, you could run the algorithm on a photo, tally the number of detected faces and take it as an answer. Realistically, though, it would be very unpredictable and prone to error. Firstly, it does not detect a specific face. That is, it does not distinguish between your face or mine. For that reason, determining whether a certain individual is present or not would require something more discriminating.
Paul Lammertsma
If you only wish to tally the number of people entering/exiting a passage, you could instead track a particular face from when it enters the frame to when it exits, and assume this to be one individual. Again, it would be prone to error.
Paul Lammertsma
can we have a chat on skype or msn?my skype id is akshayshetye and yahoo is chetankamat123
All the information I can give you, I've given already. Perhaps you'd want to look elsewhere for solutions. See this related question:
Paul Lammertsma
+1  A: 

There are a few open-source Face Recognition Java systems you can try, but don't expect much, because I am looking for the same thing but I'm still looking for a better option!

Note that finding any face within in image is called "Face Detection", following any face is called "Face Tracking", and determining the identity of a detected face is called "Face Recognition". I'm telling you this because you probably have to use different software and algorithms to do each one! The answer by Paul tells you that OpenCV can do Face Detection easily (Haar Cascade Detector), but not Face Recognition as easily (actually it does have a way to do Eigenface Recognition), which it sounds like you need Face Recognition, so OpenCV isn't necessarily your best option since you are using Java.

You can try FAINT which does both Face Detection and Face Recognition in Java, but it is pretty much undocumented. There is also "", but I can't seem to get good results out of it. There is also "" for Face Recognition, and "Neuroph" for Face Recognition / Detection.

If you find a good solution, please tell me at "[email protected]" Good Luck! Shervin Emami

Shervin Emami