



Hello . I have to confirm the detail of my gradutaion project recently. My setup a goal for myself, that is it should have values( maybe as a opensource project or tools that can be use by others). Can you suggest some ideas or projects pertaining to one of : Web architect, Social Media, Ruby, ROR, Testing. Thanks!:D

+2  A: 

First choose something that both interests you and is in the scope of your abilities.

After you have made such a choice, formalize the decision, perform research and, build requirements; at this stage one can still set "how big a bite they can chew". Most professors I have dealt with are understanding of partial implementations as long as the expectations have been previously established.

Finally, decided on the tools/language and approach for implementation that best fits in the requirement and resources (this includes your time, desired level of effort vs payout, and ability).

I personally find web work absolutely dull, but if I were to write something new, by choice, that was "web-related" and "social" it would be a multi-user interactive whiteboard which is in turn an extension of a real-time collaborative document. (I actually used this as one of my own projects, albeit I focused on a specific protocol implementation.)

Thanks a lot for pointing me out the way to find out what to do.

i just had this thing a while ago .... and i really needed some help with that same problem ....

i gut a couple of ideas, witch i already used one of them, so i'll suggest the other: its a network monitoring system based on "SNMP" protocol, gets it's data from the snmp agent on the desired machine (witch can be a computer, a router, a printer, ... ,any thing connected to the network), and alert the administrator (when somthing wrong is there like too many ports are open, or denial of service problem, or too many tcp packets, so it might be a tcp ping problem, ...) with any way u would like to (email, sms, a live ajax warning, ...) ...

sorry .... it sounds messy, but basically it will be like the "CACTI" or the "openNMS" systems (just google them), and it's based on alot of technologies ,thing like: ruby, mysql(to save the actions and to have users DB), linux(i would use Debian), SNMP agents, cron (to schedule the basic system working), SSH/telnet (take a reaction of some harmful action), PHP/RubyonRails to build an web interface that can also connect to your database, ...

i know it sounded like a big fat thing to do, but it's not that hard .... i can provide more things if u want, caus i worked some kind of a specification for this thing.

Thank you for your suggestion. But I found that "openNMS" already do pretty good job, and myself not very interesing in Protocal things.So I may consider other topic as my project.Anyway, thank you all the same!

When I was in college, I used to look into a lot of the programming contests (which involved 3-4 months of projects). Recently came across Quite possible that you can get some ideas after reading these project descriptions!

Aayush Puri