




hi, I am having an issue related to home key . when i press home key all current activity gets hidden . but when i press the executable it again starts from the fisrt screen . I have overidden all methods onsaveInstaceState opPause onStop onResume but there are still issues what is the right way to handle those conditions . When i am pressing home button i am storing the widgets state in database and when i again click the exectable i am checking the database state and starting the new Intent as saved when user presses the home button .Is it the right way to do that as i am facing the problem when user does the same and again presses the back button , there is already on intent available in stack of activity . Thanks in advance.

+2  A: 

From what have you described you probably have overridden android:launchMode in AndroidManifest.xml or if you are testing by "run as" from Eclipse try exiting the application after installing and auto-starting. Then start again from the emulator and test the Home button behavior. I suppose this is because Android does not put Activities on the OS stack when started from Eclipse and then the Home button behavior is not as usual. If this does not solve your problem, try reading http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/fundamentals.html#lmodes.

I hope this will help.


Hi , Is there any proper example for saving state . Thnx in advance .
