



I am creating a series of UserControls that all have some similar business logic. So I tried to implement this common business logic in an abstract base class that all of these user controls would inherit from. The inheritance chain looks something like this:

System.Windows.Controls.UserControl <-- MyControlBase (abstract)<--MyControl1, MyControl2, etc.

I've created the MyControl1, MyControl2 etc. classes as User Controls in Visual Studio. I've set the classes to inherit from MyControlBase instead of System.Windows.Controls.UserControl. It works great... until I make a change in the XAML and re-save. Visual Studio 2008 then re-assigns the generated class to inherit from System.Windows.Controls.UserControl.

The code example of the classes and XAML are as follows:

// MyControlBase.cs:

    public abstract class MyControlBase.Windows.Controls.UserControl
       public abstract void DoOperation1();

// MyControlBase.xaml: none

// MyControl1.cs:

    public partial class MyControl1: MyControlBase
        public MyControl1()
        public override void DoOperation1()

// MyControl1.xaml:

    <UserControl x:Class="Test.Controls.BarChart"
        <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="Blue">


// mycontrol1.g.cs (generated by Visual Studio) orginally

    public partial class MyControl1: System.Windows.Controls.UserControl

        internal System.Windows.Controls.Grid LayoutRoot;

        // InitilizeComponent() etc


// mycontrol1.g.cs (generated by Visual Studio) modified by me

public partial class MyControl1: MyControlBase

        internal System.Windows.Controls.Grid LayoutRoot;

        // InitilizeComponent() etc

Whenever editing MyControl1.xaml in the Visual Studio 2008 editor after saving it the modified mycontrol1.g.cs keeps reverting itself to the original one (namingly: inheriting again from System.Windows.Controls.UserControl). The compile then fails because the two partial classes of MyControl1 are not inheriting from the same parent: the VS generated one inherits from System.Windows.Controls.UserControl, my code behind from MyControlBase.

Is there a way to work around this issue? I would like to have the ability to inherit from an abstract class and assume there is a way for Visual Studio to let me, I just don't see what I'm missing. Or is the concept of a UserControl inheriting from another class than System.Windows.Controls.UserControl a bad concept?

+1  A: 

You need to change your xaml to inherit from MyControlBase instead of UserControl:

   <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="Blue">

That is why Visual Studio keeps changing the base class when you edit the xaml.


The answer from Bryant works (Thanks!) but the XAML design view in VS2008 will not display it. You'll get an error:

Error 20  Could not create an instance of type 'MyControlBase'.