In an Activity, I have some snippet of code that fires off a Message:
Message m = _handler.obtainMessage( UPDATE_PROGRESS );
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putInt( BUNDLE_KEY, 50 );
m.setData( bundle );
Log.d( LOG_TAG, "value " + bundle.getInt( BUNDLE_KEY, 0 ) ); // prints 50
Log.d( LOG_TAG, "sent:" + _handler.sendMessage( m ) ); // prints true
In another part of the Activity, I am handling it like this:
public void handleMessage( final android.os.Message msg )
switch( msg.what )
post( new Runnable()
public void run()
Bundle aBundle = msg.getData();
Log.d( LOG_TAG, "value in bundle=" +
aBundle.getInt( BUNDLE_KEY, 0 ) ); // prints 0
Log.d( LOG_TAG, "contains 'progress' : " +
aBundle.containsKey( BUNDLE_KEY ) ); // prints 'false'
Why is the Bundle not preserved in the Message ? Who is resetting the values of the Bundle ?