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As mentioned in downloads.myeclipseide.com,

Direct access to the MyEclipse download area is not permitted. Please go through the MyEclipse portal's download area to download MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench.

So you can load a full myeclipse distro, but not one plugin into a vanilla eclipse.

Aside from that, the revived Eclipse VE (Visual Editor) might be a good alternative

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You can install it with Eclipse 3.5

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Does VE work with the Helios release of Eclipse ?
Abhinav Upadhyay
@Abhinav: I haven't tested the VE plugin in an Helios Eclipse yet, but the [update page](http://wiki.eclipse.org/VE/Update) has been edited 2 days ago, without mentioning any incompatibility, so there is hope.
Thanks. I will try it on my Helios Eclipse.
Abhinav Upadhyay