In JPA the Entities are nice annotated Plain Old Java Objects. But I have not found a good way to interact with them and the database.
In my current app, my basic design is always to have a sequence based id as primary key so I usually have to look up entities by other properties than PK.
And for each Entity I have a stateless EJB of
public class MyEntApiBean implements MyEntApi {
@PersistenceContext(unitName = "xxx") @Inject EntityManager entityManager;
with query methods that all are some variation
* @return A List of all MyEnts that have some property
* @param someProp some property
public List<MyEnt> getAllMyEntsFromProp(final String someProp) {
try {
final Query query = entityManager.createQuery("select me from MyEnt me where me.someProp = :someProp");
query.setParameter("someProp", someProp);
return query.getResultList();
} catch(final NoResultException nre) {
log.warn("No MyEnts found");
return new ArrayList<MyEnt>();
I really hate having these methods in an EJB because they seem to belong with the entities themselves, and the EJB local interfaces annoy the crap out of me.
I hate the duplication that I have in each method with "try, createQuery, getResultList,catch, log, return" (mostly a consequence of no closures or "with statement" or somesuch in Java).
Does anyone have a suggestion for a better way to interact with the Entities and Database that addresses one or both of my issues?
I am currently thinking of doing some base methods with generics and reflection to get some generic query methods to reduce the duplication (issue 2) (I will put a prototype up for review later).
Thanks, Anders