I am hunting for a job and one of the companies that I interviewed with asked me to write a little test program so that they could test my programming abilities. I am a biologist by training, and most of my programming knowledge I gain by autodidactic means. I am also more comfortable writing Python then Java.
This is the brief I was given:
Write a java program, that uses and XML file with GO-terms (downloadable on archive.geneontology.org/latest-full/go_200911-termdb.obo-xml.gz), and presents the information in this file as a jtree, that consists of
level 1: all terms () in the file, to be visualized by their name ()
level 2: shows below each term the corresponding references as subnodes, to be visualized by their GO-identifiers On double-click on a reference the corresponding in the jtree has to be put in focus.
I have put the result I have coded up on github as a NetBeans project.
I welcome all constructive feedback. Also, upon seeing this code, what are some of the questions that I can expect?