





We have built a Mac OSX installer which includes a driver that support some functinalities, hence we need to restart the machine after the installation. However, i wouldn't want to force it, but to allow users to postpone the restart for later (and meanwhile using the software without the driver)

we couldn't find any option for that - something like a message box that would say 'restart' with Now/Later buttons.

any ideas, anyone?

thanks much Lior

+2  A: 

If the user wants to restart "later" then they will restart. If you feel you need to remind them that they need to, then put that reminder in your application, not the installer.

hi NSD, thanks for your answer - and see above for the need for the message box

Windows Installer does what you're talking about, a constant pop-up every few hours with "Would you like to restart now? [even though you said no the last 20 times I bugged you]". It's horrible. Don't do it. If the user says later, then they mean later. Don't bug them.

If they try to use a feature in your app that requires the restart, then you can tell them that feature is unavailable until after a restart. Otherwise, no bugging please.


Thanks everyone. I think i will go indeed with a restart requirement. telling the users that a certain feature would not be available until restart, is good, but most users dont read these messages (at least not me :) )

thanks! Lior
