



It is not obvious to me where/how to configure the text that gets sent out in the emails after a build is complete/fails. I am getting emails, but there are some details I need to add. Where is that/how is that done?

+2  A: 

First hit in google: "Modifiy Emails sent by CruiseControl.NET"

I thought perhaps there was an easier way to do it. The content I want to add is FIXED content. Having to screw around with xml and xsl seems like overkill for a simple couple lines of fixed content
I agree. That mechanism was not necessarily a great one. I think you can disable the sending of email, and use a task to actually send the email yourself.
actually modifying the XSL is all you would need to do for a few static lines, and it is just as easy to put there as anywhere else. This is a simple 30 second task.