Hi y'all...
What is the IE hack for setting the position property : relative in "not-a-browser"IE and position : absolute in other browsers (FireFox, Chrome)..
Thanks everyone..!!!
Hi y'all...
What is the IE hack for setting the position property : relative in "not-a-browser"IE and position : absolute in other browsers (FireFox, Chrome)..
Thanks everyone..!!!
I use conditional comments in the <head>
to send different versions of IE different 'hack' stylesheets. That way I can keep my main css file clean. Make sure you include the IE stylesheets after your main stylesheets.
Hi Here is a Sheet about CSS hack for different browser:
IE6 IE7 IE8 FireFox Chrome _ Y N N N N * Y Y N N N !important N Y Y Y Y ---------- \9 Y Y Y N N
I think if you want a hack for IE/None-IE, you can set \9 at the end of your css attribute. Comment: Sorry, it's too hard to make a sheet in the editor.
position:absolute;/* This is for all browser*/
position:relative\9;/* This will be only supported for IE6/7/8 and will overrider the up position attribute
Sorry, I'm not familliar with this editor, it's really hard to make the answer looks better.
shortest way to do this:
.myStyle {
Although possibly not the cleanest...