



What does the setTextFilterEnabled() method do?

+3  A: 

According to the Android Developer Reference, the setTextFilterEnabled() method "enables or disables the type filter window. If enabled, typing when this view has focus will filter the children to match the users input."

Source and extra information can be found at the Android Developer Reference, ie :

+4  A: 

It basically enables filtering for the contents of the given ListView. However, the caveat, as explained here is that the filtering doesn't happen automatically. According to that link, you have to provide the filtering logic and then according to the AbsListView docs that outline that method, the adapter you call that method on must also implement Filterable.

Hope that helps...

Chris Thompson
+1  A: 

Thank you all for your feedback.

Eclipsed4utoo, I wouldn't have posted this question without reading the API documentation. But the description of this method is too vague "Enables or disables the type filter window."

I appreciate your comment anyway :)

Nicholas Key