



In visual studio 2008 you have the navigation bar with Class Name combo box and Method Name combo box.

What is the shortcut to get inside any of these combo boxes from the code window?


Press Ctrl + F2 so set focus to the combo Types combobox, which is to the left of the Member combo.

Press tab to move from the Types combo to the Member combo (and Shift + tab to go back).

Use the arrow keys to navigate each combo's items.

Jay Riggs
+1  A: 

Ctrl + F2 should do it (although it does depend upon which keyboard mapping you are using - Ctrl + F8 is the shortcut in my Visual Studio settings).

In general, the easiest way to find a keyboard shortcut if you know the name of what it is you are looking for is to go to Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Keyboard and then type its name into the "Show commands containing" box. It will then show you the shortcut(s) currently assigned for the command.

eg. typing navigation into that box shows Ctrl + F8 (for me) in the "shortcuts for selected command" box.

Thanks, I was actually searching for 'navigate' which obviously missed it.

I understand this has been asked, but has a direct shortcut key been created for the second navigation box in visual studio 2010?
