



While developing an install with PackageMaker (XCode 3.2.1 1613, for Snow Leopard), sometimes the permissions, owner, and group that I have set on most (if not all) of the files just vaporize. The result looks like I just added the files to PackageMaker, before setting the file perm/own/grp on each.

What's weird, is that most of those xml files in the .pmdoc folder change, even index.xml, forcing a big SVN issue when nothing has changed! When that happens, I just SVN Revert, then inspect everything (taking maybe 20 min) before building.

How can I avoid this? What might I be doing to trigger this (undesirable) behavior? I haven't been able to correlate my actions with the problem yet. Next time it happens and I have the slack time, I'll diff the .pmdoc/xml changes and see if I can find a pattern.

Meanwhile, if anyone out there has some tips, I's appreciate it.