




I want to load an applet from a server side script, eg. a Perl CGI program, etc. Can this be done? how?

<applet code=A21 width=256 height=256 archive="http://url/cgi-bin/test.cgi?R=applet"&gt;

thanks in advance for all help.


From the doc:

For security reasons, the applet's class loader can read only from the same codebase from which the applet was started. This means that archives in archiveList must be in the same directory as, or in a subdirectory of, the codebase

so I suspect this will be problematic.

Brian Agnew
+1  A: 

I haven't done this is a long time (so the security model might have changed on me), but the trick was to configure the server to handle some translation. Say that you have the URL:


You set up the URL translation such that you handle http://example.com/applets with your CGI script, which then gets /MyCode/1.0 as PATH_INFO. You return whatever you need to return.

Why do you want to do this?

brian d foy