we are planning to build a web based client side application framework. The main focus is to write native looking webapps using Java and compile them for your target platform. Our planned target platforms would be the iPhone and Android (on top of PhoneGap), Backberry and Palm WebOS.
Our goal is to create a decent framework and that's what this post is about. We want to know what developers would expect of such a framework and on what topics are more important than others. We also want to know if it would be more important to provide a UI-framework which really feels like a native app on the target platform (e.g. scrolling behavior) or to provide some decent APIs to use HTML5 and PhoneGap features, store and manipulate data etc.
What would you, as developers, really like to see in that kind of a framework? After all, you're the ones that will (hopefully some day) be using it. And most important: Would you use it?