



what is the step-by-step procedure for executing a program in mahout

+2  A: 

Maybe you can check the MAHOUT wiki? Especially the quickstart section looks interesting...

ya we saw the document..since we are really new to maout, we are not able to approach it in the right manner..could you give us a step-by-step answer if you have worked with it?
I'm sorry, than I cannot help you. I once wanted to start working with it, so I remembered reading parts of this wiki. But I never really found the time to really start with it...
+1  A: 

Mahout isn't an execution environment, so I'm not sure what you mean by 'run a program in Mahout?' It is a library, and one that does lots of things: recommendation engines, classification, clustering, more. You haven't given any detail about what you're doing.

I am a dev of Mahout and you could get more useful answers by being more specific and asking at [email protected].

Also, are you looking at the javadoc at all? The Mahout Hadoop-related jobs all document their arguments.

Sean Owen
+2  A: 

Basically what worked from me was following their wiki:

  1. svn co
  2. cd trunk
  3. mvn install
  4. cd core
  5. mvn compile
  6. mvn install
  7. cd examples
  8. mvn compile

Then follow what to do with the examples, for example the taste-web example, you need to download the data set, load it in the war, and edit which recommender system to use.

Mahout is awesome, give it a try, and you will enjoy it :)

Mohamed Mansour