



what is meant by vector in Java is thread safe and synchronized, how is it made thread safe. I'm looking at internal details of implementation


The methods are marked as synchronized. Check out the Synchronized Method tutorial.

+1  A: 

Vector is considered 'thread-safe' because access the the internals of the Vector is synchronized. Methods such as add(), get(), size(), etc, are all synchronized such that modifications to the internal structure of the Vector and access to that internal structure cannot be processed simultaneously by separate threads.

+2  A: 

It is made "thread-safe" by merit of all its methods being synchronized (via the synchronized keyword), see the OpenJDK source code.

What the synchronized keyword does is that it prevents more than one thread from executing any of the synchronized methods at the same time. It is using a lock internally, that a thread has to obtain when entering of of those methods, and that the thread releases when it leaves the method.

Note that this does not really help much, because while it prevents inconsistent internal state of the vector, this does in no way guarantee a level of consistency on a higher level (a useful level for an application).

Consider this example that shows that you still need to use synchronization in your application code (so that you might just as well have used the unsynchronized ArrayList):

 // BROKEN CODE, needs external synchronization
 // only add an element if the vector is empty
+1 but you should correct "What the synchronized keyword does is that it prevents more than one thread from executing the method at the same time". It is not just access to the specific method that is blocked.
@Fredrik: Thanks. I tried to fix the sentence without it getting too complex. I suppose a link to a longer explanation would be in order.