



So, I'm pretty new to Hibernate and I have a problem.

I have an abstract class (the super-class, class Super), and 5 subclasses which should use the proprieties from the class Super and add a new propriety (a new column)

So how can I do this? Should I extend the class Super from java, or it's enough to join the classes using a JPA annotation.

Here is the second problem. How can I have 1 table for 2 classes. Someone (smarter than me) told me to use the @JoinTable, but form my searches with google, I think I need to use @Inheritance(strategy=InheritanceStrategy.JOINED)

Can I use the @JoinTable too?

+4  A: 

Yours is a case of inheritance:

  1. add the @Inheritance(stretegy=InheritanceStrategy.SINGLE_TABLE) annotation on your Super
  2. add the @DiscriminatorColumn annotation (and setting its attributes name and discriminatorType) (again on the Super)
  3. on each subclass extend the Super, and add the annotation @DiscriminatorValue, with different value for each of the subclasses.
+1  A: 

If you are new to Hibernate, you should read its documentation. Inheritance strategies are explained here and using annotations to express inheritance strategy is explained here

Tadeusz Kopec