I've seen that most of the documentation in the Liferay Wiki (concerning Eclipse plugins and the like) refers to Liferay version 4.x. Are there up-to-date resources for developing Liferay portlets with eclipse (3.5)?
Found one here that looks promising:
2010-01-27 10:05:01
We are starting to use this as a reference. It seems pretty good to get going.
The other thing to look at are the two (at least I found) Maven plug ins for Eclipse/Liferay.
One comes from Liferay and the other a community.
github.com/azzazzel/liferay-maven-sdk and this is a good ref of it github.com/azzazzel/liferay-maven-sdk
Then..from Liferay. www.liferay.com/web/mika.koivisto/blog/-/blogs/liferay-maven-sdk
Both are good and help with the busting out of project archetypes for Liferay.
Steven Dorfmeister
2010-02-19 19:33:40